Due to the safety of the people, the government announced lock down for uncertain period of time. Except some sectors and government departments everything is closed. The city’s wildlife that solely depends on leftovers from households and restaurants for foods are in severe problems now.
The animals are desperately in search of food. Many of them have starved to death. Specially, street animals in South Asian continents are in critical conditions. Developing counties like Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and India are trying their best to handle this pandemic.

SM Rezaul Karim, minister of Fisheries and Livestock, said, ”ministry had no budget allocation for providing food to street animals during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
He further insisted, “We urge animal lovers to come forward in their individual capacities to provide food to the street animals.”
In this crucial time, animal lovers are taking remarkable measures to feed the street dogs, cats and monkeys.
In Bangladesh, animal welfare organization like Paws Foundation, Eco Saver’s Foundation and many others are helping animals snappily. They’re also arranging online campaigns to raise funds for buying foods.
“If the shutdown stays for more days, it will become hard for the voluntary organizations to continue feeding the stray animals,” said Rakibul Haq Emil, chairman of the People for Animal Welfare (PAW) Foundation.
Aminul Islam Mithu, wildlife journalist & founder of Eco Savers Foundation said, ”I have seen how ravenously the animals wait near the dustbins for the households leftovers. Dogs, cats and monkeys are fighting for the food, they snatches food from each others.” Also added he is trying to feed wildlife in urban areas.
Indian non-profit organizations like Delhi Street Dog Foundation, Roshika Gang of Animal Lovers are working efficiently to collect funds and providing food to animals in urgency.
In Bhutan, organizations like Bhutan’s Homeless Pet’s,The Thunder Guardians in Bhutan have shown their marvelous efforts to help the poor souls in streets. There are many University students in South Asian countries are helping animals to survive.
They are saying, It’s never too late, we can always lend our hands to support these animals. So stop hesitating and help the wildlife’s, show some gratitude and kindness. Be a change maker in the society. Take care of yourself and lives in your surroundings in this pandemic.