Otters play a vital role to maintaining ecosystem. Without Sea otters the sea urchins will over populate the sea bed and devour to kelp forest. But day by day this animal are one of the most endangered species into the world.
There are three breed of otters in Bangladesh. Small-clawed otter, Eurasian otter and smooth coated otters. Among three the Eurasian and smooth coated otters are on the edge of extinction. These animals feed on all types of aquatic mammals including fish and snake.
They are found in various places of Bangladesh. Otters are found mangrove coastal areas like Sundarban. This animals also spotted in fresh wetlands of Sylhet. Due to several human activities this Species are near to extinct day by day. Their habitats being lost due to construction of hydroelectric projects, conversion of wetlands for settlements and agriculture, reduction in prey biomass, poaching and contamination of waterways by pesticides, poaching for pelt and body parts that are believed to have therapeutic properties.
There are few nomadic hunting tribes which eat other’s flesh. In Bangladesh fishermen use otter to catch more fishes.the otters don’t catch fish for themselves instead it chase the fishes towards the fishing boat where the net is settled. It’s an old tradition in Bangladesh which has been going on from decades, like a legacy.
Jahidul Kabir, Conservator of Bangladesh Forests Department said, ”there is lack of scientific research and baseline study in identifying the threats and population status of the otter species in the country.”
“I admit this is something that needed to be researched from before but we are planning to work on the issue in the near future. Both species are protected under the Wildlife Preservation Act 2012 and poaching, killing or trading of any protected species is a punishable offence,” he further added.
Three kind of ‘water dog’ have found in Goa, west Bengal, Karnataka and central parts of India. Karnataka is the country’s first otter reserve acknowledging the importance of this species of wildlife and decided to take necessary action to protect them before it is too late. India is one of the hotspot of otter poaching. This intense otter trade is mainly to satisfy China’s demand for others skin, fur and etc.
In Nepal otter are severely threatened by human activities; over fishing, poisoning, industrial pollution, gazing and many more. Though otter population is under threat but no national survey has been carried out. The government has never taken any initiative to ponder over the matter. In addition the citizens also never paid much attention to solve this issue.
Bhutan has claimed the otters presence near rivers. But no systematic survey has been conducted to find out the actual condition of otters into the country.
Eurasian otter is listed globally and nationally ‘Near Threatened’ on the IUCN red list of Threatened Species. Smooth-coated otter as well as Asian Small-clawed otter are listed as ‘Vulnerable’. Smooth-coated otter is listed under ‘Endangered’ and Asian Small-clawed otter under ‘Data deficient’.
“Otters are also called wetland ambassador, they enhance and balance the kelp forest which helps to maintain carbon dioxide amount in the atmosphere. By maintaining healthy kelp forests, sea otters also indirectly help to reduce levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a prevalent greenhouse gas, as kelp absorbs and sequesters carbon, said Nasir Uddin, wildlife expert, Chinese academy of science.
“And around 85 percent of atmospheric oxygen comes from seawater where sea otter plays roles. So, conservation of the sea otters should be in the list of priority species. The presence of these mammals leads to a robust wetland ecosystem,” he added.
Every year on 27th of May world celebrated Otter Day. To appreciate the existence of water dog around the globe.