Diego, a libidinous giant tortoise credited with saving his species, has finally retired to an uninhabited island off the coast of Ecuador after decades of service in a breeding program.
100 years old tortoise Diego participated in tortoise breeding program for approximately 40 years. About 50 years ago only two males and 12 females of this tortoise breed were alive in Espanola.
Animal researchers started a breeding program to preserve the Chelonoidis Hoodenis. Diego was brought from California’s San Diego Zoo in the mid-1960 to join the program.
Giant tortoise Diego’s weight 80 kilograms, and about 90 centimetre long and 1.5 meters tall. According to the park rangers, Diego is the star who contributed to a 40 percent tortoise population today among the 2,000.
Cerramos un capítulo importante en la gestión del @parquegalapagos, 15 tortugas de #Española, incluyendo a #Diego, regresan a casa tras décadas de reproducirse en cautiverio y salvar a su especie de la extinción. Su isla las recibe con los brazos abiertos. (Noticia en desarrollo) pic.twitter.com/M4a4maQm9E
— Paulo Proaño Andrade (@PauloProanoA) June 15, 2020
After 40 years of service, this mammoth tortoise is returning home. He incredibly saved his endangered species. On 15 July he was taken to his native land after years of breeding in captivity. Diego is shipped away from Galapagos National Park’s breeding program on Santa Cruz to obscure unpopulated Espanola.
The minister Paulo Proano rejoices said, ”we have successfully ended this critical issue. Along with Diego 25 more tortoises are returning home this summer after saving their breed like warriors. These rescuers helped to revive one variety of endangered species from extinction.”
The National Park conjectures that he might have been acquired from the Galapagos in the first of the 20th century by a scientific operation. Ecuador’s Galapagos Islands, situated in the Pacific Ocean, were made popular by 19th-century English naturalist Charles Darwin’s studies of their enthralling biodiversity.
Diego, a Galapagos giant tortoise who helped save his species by fathering some 800 offspring, was released into the wild along with other tortoises https://t.co/uWEdKQd0cI pic.twitter.com/UEmA5cQrmN
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 17, 2020